EK Mosfet Block For Maximus 5 Gene

Giá Tân Doanh: 1,735,000
  • Tình trạng: Mới 100%
  • Xuất xứ: Chính hãng
  • Thương hiệu: EK
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Thông tin Sản Phẩm

EK-MOSFET ASUS M5G is a water block for water cooling of the power regulation (VRM / MOSFETs) module on ASUS Maximus V Gene motherboard. It is medium-high to high flow water block design that can be easily used with systems using weaker water pumps.

Base is made of finest electrolytic copper while the top is made of quality POM Acetal material. The sealing is performed by quality rubber gasket.

This product features preinstalled nickel-plated brass standoffs. Waterblock is mounted with enclosed M3x4 DIN7985 screws and PVC washers.

Please check Cooling Configurator for detailed compatibility list!

– EK-MOSFET ASUS M5G series water block
– thermal pads
– mounting mechanism

Made in Slovenia – Europe!

Please note:
– Due to immense variety of fittings/barbs available on market and no prescribed standards, we guarantee compatibility only for connectors bought from our web site.

Additional Information

Option Copper Acetal
Threads G1/4


Đánh giá EK Mosfet Block For Maximus 5 Gene
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5 0% | 0 đánh giá
4 0% | 0 đánh giá
3 0% | 0 đánh giá
2 0% | 0 đánh giá
1 0% | 0 đánh giá
Đánh giá EK Mosfet Block For Maximus 5 Gene
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